Well, we often hear MaxFun members who want to increase their support for the shows they love, but aren’t in a position to commit to the next membership level.
If this is you, you can choose to contribute an amount in between existing levels. First, go to maximumfun.org/manage, and request the magic link to access your account. Once you are in your account, click on the contribution amount. Then, all you need to do is select the amount of money you would like to add to your existing membership. So if you are a “Friend of the Family” contributing $10 a month, and want to start giving $15 a month, you can boost your membership by $5. If the amount you want to boost by isn't listed on its own button, then you can click "Other" and add in your own amount, as long as it is a whole number.
When you complete the boost process, your card will immediately be billed for your “boost” amount ($5 for the Friend of the Family in our example). Then, every month from here on out, you’ll be charged for the new total amount ($15 in our example), to be distributed amongst the shows you have chosen to support.
Boosting your membership won’t qualify you for the thank-you gifts (you’ll need to upgrade to the next membership level for that), but it does count towards our milestones for new, boosting, and upgrading memberships and it's a really easy way to continue supporting the shows you love, especially if you started listening to new shows!